Wednesday 27 January 2010

Davos 2010

What’s going down in groove town then?

ChiComm slave state news barph.

A total of 46 sessions have been scheduled for the first day, with topics ranging from the "New Normal" for global growth, the regulation of systemic financial risk, financing low-carbon growth to the challenge of chronic diseases and security in the 21st century.

Commie foundation bitchboy

Lula, who will be named Politician of the Year in Davos, would also talk about his government's social programs and economic policies, which had made Brazil "one of the last countries to feel the effects of the global economic crisis and one of the first to leave (it)."

One bunch of Commies talking about an MKUltra’d slave dump.

China, in contrast, is a Confucian- Communist-capitalist hybrid under the umbrella of a one-party state that has so far resisted giving greater political freedom to a growing middle class. Now its ascendancy is about to set off what many officials and experts see as a backlash on both sides of the Pacific.

Whilst we are not looking. If I were the Emperor I’d send the Imperial Ninjas over to S&P. S&P are unfit to rate my foot odour.

Standard & Poor's on Tuesday lowered Japan's sovereign credit rating outlook because of diminishing "flexibility" to cope with a swelling debt load and concern about the lack of a plan to rein in budget deficits.

I’d be keeping a closer eye on the shellfire son. Seoul might be full of holes come November. Stop wanking around in DAVOS it’s full of perps.

ZURICH - President Lee Myung-bak will use his address at the World Economic Forum on Thursday to outline Korea's plan for the Seoul summit of Group of 20 scheduled for November.

Oh fuck here come the masters of the universe. Told you Lee, fuck off back to Seoul and enjoy the culture there before these jaffas spread their sterility your way.

Lord Turner, chairman of the Financial Services Authority (FSA), who was speaking at the World Economic Forum in Davos, said regulators needed more than the ability to set interest rates to stop asset price boom-bust cycles.

And from one of the world’s greatest thieves “The legendary speculator also told delegates at the World Economic Forum in Davos that banks who did not see the need for global reform were "tone deaf".

From that statement you can see they’ve worked out a new way to steal everything we have now we’ve rumbled fractional banking’s fiat scam.

BTW where's Prince Andrew this year then?